My Story


A simple idea can change your entire world. Dellian Sharp started with the simple idea that he could take charge and change himself and his results.
Rising from the stereotypical life that’s prevalent in any of our urban centers. After being trapped in the violence, and degradation of the streets of Buffalo, Dellian made a decision to change his life. He rose from being an hourly employee to a Senior Management position in a Fortune 500 company in less than 4 years. This however wasn’t enough,. Taking charge of his physical, mental, and spiritual well being, pushed him into new realms of success and redefined his belief of his capabilities. Dellian began understanding the God given inner power he possessed and he became increasingly interested in learning how he could tap even further into the depths of potential and who he could become.
As he began working with Bob Proctor through the Thinking into Results program, new light shined and he saw and understood the plan that God had for him all along. Using the God given gifts he was blessed with from birth, combined with the skills he’d forged through life experience, Dellian has now begun a mission to change and mold lives so that people seeking their fullest potential may realize it, and in return lead fuller, happier, more amazing lives. As Certified Thinking into Results Consultant doors have been opened so many others may experience their own exponential growth.